Save our Country, Save our Planet


Lalit Shastri

Watch this video. It is ultimate warning for all... It's a matter of survival of the human species that would be on the verge of extinction if we don't mend our ways. Hats off to this gentleman for his devotion and commitment to the larger cause of successive generations. His message to politicians and law makers is loud and clear. Citizens' responsibility..."each one plant one" is fine. For the gullible and less informed, it could be a solution but for me the slogan is only a mirage...solution won't come from the deprived millions still living in abject poverty but those empowered by the society. They will have to act now. I would like to caution everybody against big talk and diversionary tactics that's become the norm. Unless those entrusted with the responsibility and job of enforcement, those who make policies and are supposed to implement them, all those who enjoy the protection of the Constitution and progressively expanding perks of office, if they abdicate their responsibility, what we have is recipe for disaster...When the cancer of corruption has spread all over and everyone is competing for material wealth...When "more and more" is the want of most, I shudder by the thought of all that we are now destined to live with....Who will save our country....I don't  see light at the end of the tunnel. My message to the politicians - mend your ways, Don't just do everything and anything to just to remain riveted to the seats of power. If they are blind to the cause of the larger society, they should at least worry about the world they would be leaving behind for their own children.🤔


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