From CREW archive Sahara Time STATES THE TROUBLED TIGER SANJAY SHARMA, BHOPAL 21 - Jan - 05 Poachers are the biggest threat to the survival of the tiger in its natural habitat in Madhya Pradesh," Crusade for Revival of Environment and Wildlife (CREW), an NGO devoted to the cause of environment and wildlife, had warned the State Government in its hard hitting investigative report "The Vanishing Stripes" that was released in the first fortnight of June 1999. The situation in the tiger state, home to over 30 percent of the Indian tigers, is no better even now. As per the population estimates of 2002, there are 711 tigers and 1,086 panthers in the state. The recent recoveries of the carcass of a tigress and her cub and the remains of a tiger within days of each other are an indicator of the dismal picture. The remains of a tiger killed by poachers inside the Pench National Park were found last week. Only three days prior to it the carcass of a tigress and her cub were found ...