
A Call for Peace, Inclusion, and Sustainability on my Birthday

Lalit Shastri As a global society, we must strive for peaceful coexistence and embrace the spirit of inclusivity. Our shared future depends on our collective responsibility to protect the environment, preserve wildlife, and safeguard the delicate balance of our ecosystems, including our rivers and forests. It is time we shun violence, extremism, and division in all its forms, fostering unity over discord. We envision a socio-economic order where equity, transparency, and accountability reign, ensuring that skill and merit are valued over privilege, exploitation and denial of equal opportunity to all due to the quota or reservation system. Also, corruption has no place in a society where every individual is dedicated to the common good, working for the advancement of humanity and securing a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come.  Together, we can build a world where compassion, justice with fairness, and progress guide our actions—creating a legacy that honors both t

Quantum Physics and Vedanta

  “Whenever I give a lecture on Quantum Physics, I feel as if I am talking on Vedanta!” – Hans Peter Dürr. Lalit Shastri The above quote by  Peter Dürr prompted me to explore deep and draw a comparison or draw an analogy between Quantum Physics and Vedanta. The idea that "matter doesn't exist" in quantum physics can be confusing because it challenges our everyday understanding of reality. Here's a simplified explanation: Classical vs. Quantum View Classical Physics: In the everyday world, we see objects as solid and well-defined. A chair, for instance, is a solid object with a clear location and shape. This is the classical view of matter. Quantum Physics: At the smallest scales, the rules of the universe behave very differently. Instead of being solid and fixed, particles (like electrons, protons, etc.) exist in a state of probabilities. They don't have definite locations or state until they are observed or measured. Key Concepts 1. Wave-Particle Duality : In qu

Committed journalism: What for and for whom

Lalit Shastri After four decades of relentless dedication to journalism, guided by a deep commitment to the larger cause of society, I have made the difficult decision to cease writing editorial pieces. The ideals of truth and justice I once upheld seem increasingly irrelevant in a society fractured along narrow caste and religious lines, where the masses are ever-willing to be swayed in any direction by those who exploit division for power.  Politicians have perfected the art of drawing strength from vote bank politics and divisive agendas, leaving society fractured and vulnerable. Matters are further entrenched by a reservation and quota regime woven into our Constitution with no end in sight—a system that perpetuates division rather than unity. Corruption has metastasized like a cancer, with politicians presiding over a pyramid of pliable bureaucrats whose spines have turned to rubber, bending in any direction to serve their political masters. The entire government machinery and sys

Be Your Own Teacher, Be Your Own Student

Lalit Shastri In the silence of the morning, when the world's still, Find the courage deep within, harness your will. You hold the wisdom, a guide to your path, Be your own teacher, embrace your craft. Learn from each stumble, rise with each fall, In every failure, there’s a lesson, standing tall. Challenge your limits, push through the strain, Be your own student, cherish the gain. The journey is endless, the horizon so wide, With every step forward, take it in stride. Listen to your heart, let it show you the way, Be your own teacher, each and every day. Reflect on your progress, celebrate what’s small, For in self-guided growth, you’ll stand tall. Both mentor and learner, in harmony blend, Be your own student, until the end. In every question, in every quest, You find the answers, within your chest. Trust in your journey, let wisdom unfold, Be your own teacher, be brave, be bold.

Traffic Police looks the other way while the reckless drivers continu to jeopardize lives on our roads

Lalit Shastri When will the law be enforced in Madhya Pradesh to save the commoners from the menace of unauthorised and reckless use of hooters on roads. Also the immunity with which many four wheelers are being driven with high-beam headlights and nothing is being done to control this problem either by the traffic police or any citizens' forum that claims to spread road safety awareness. Another problem is two-wheelers, e-rickshaws, autos and loaders, invariably being driven with the blinding halogen headlights . The use of high-beam is regulated by the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989. The rules clearly spell out the dos and don'ts of using high-beam headlights in India - High-beam headlights should only be used when driving on a dark or poorly lit road and if no other vehicles are approaching. I have observed much to my discomfiture and frustration that the drivers, most often than not those driving government vehicles (with their bosses seated behind) or the spoilt bra

Society leaders come down heavily on a news item

  Media Watch How the right thinking Indians and society leaders have reacted to a news item published by Times of India "Panchsheel, theoretically was rooted to an idealistic plane but was entirely disconnected with ground reality...expansionist China under Xi has no face to talk of Panchsheel..." "They stabbed Nehru and now they praise his policy." "Same forked tongue in an attempt to get our guard down again. But the Narendra Modi-Amit Shah-S Jaishankar triumvirate is not biting. Wonder why TOI even ran this.   "Bet Indian National Congress will go to town with this and push for better relations with peoples Republic of China - traitors all." "These media morons, who lack even basic appreciation of national interest, security, global politics and enemy's strategy, should be exposed in larger national interest."

Save our Country, Save our Planet

  Lalit Shastri Watch this video. It is ultimate warning for all... It's a matter of survival of the human species that would be on the verge of extinction if we don't mend our ways. Hats off to this gentleman for his devotion and commitment to the larger cause of successive generations. His message to politicians and law makers is loud and clear. Citizens' responsibility..."each one plant one" is fine. For the gullible and less informed, it could be a solution but for me the slogan is only a mirage...solution won't come from the deprived millions still living in abject poverty but those empowered by the society. They will have to act now. I would like to caution everybody against big talk and diversionary tactics that's become the norm. Unless those entrusted with the responsibility and job of enforcement, those who make policies and are supposed to implement them, all those who enjoy the protection of the Constitution and progressively expanding perks of